
 11th December 2023 at 9:12am

This is a demo of my adjustments to Notebook theme, to make it work good with Command Palette search in the mobile layout.

How to test

This wiki contains tiddlers One, Two, and Three to try out the search. View it on a mobile device or in a small window to see how the mobile layout looks like.

How to get

Drag all the following links and tag pills to your wiki:

Notebook theme from Nicolas Petton. Or get it from the source.
Command Palette plugin. Or get it from the source.
My adjustments to Command Palette to make it display properly on mobile. Adds Alt+X hotkey for CP. Hides the standard search bar from the sidebar.
My adjustments to Notebook theme. Not necessary to use CP with the theme, but make it look a lot nicer. Hides default search bar from top bar. See more details here.

See also

Forum thread about the issues with JD's mobile layout plugin and alternative solutions.

Alternative solution for a mobile layout using JD's mobile layout plugin and Command Palette).

My other various TW tweaks.